Every Day Oils Collection

Every Day Oils Collection

Thursday, September 25, 2014

3 Starter Kits to choose from...

I love that people are seeing how Young Living Essential Oils are changing lives! Want to know what the big deal is?!?!?! Order your starter kit today!

 You can purchase the starter kit and the buy Young Living products with a 24% discount.  


The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Citrus Fresh®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Melaleuca alternifolia®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Ningxia Red and Ningxia Nitro

Use 1oz Ningxia Red each day gives your body the antioxidants it needs to ward off sickness.  

Use 1 tube of Ningxia Nitro when needed for an extra boost of energy (think 5 hour energy without the scary ingredients or that espresso you get for a pick me up) or before workouts. 

The Ningxia products can be purchased by signing up to purchase YLEO. You can purchase the starter kit and the buy Young Living products with a 24% discount.  

The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Citrus Fresh®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Melaleuca alternifolia®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thieves- now it's clean

Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Who wants to use all these cleaning products with ingredients you can't pronounce that allow you to bring poisons into your home?  
Not me! I'm smiling as I type this because I have become "that person" you know who I'm talking about the person that drives you crazy about ingredients and things being organic. I have my days where I just want a hamburger.  I'm not always eating salads and grilled fish but I am making changes that are making differences in my life.  😊.  Anyway!  Back to Thieves. This stuff is amazing. You can use it to clean anything and know that you and your family are safe and clean! You can buy a huge concentrated bottle and dilute it in a mop bucket or put it in a spray bottle. 

Thieves is very versatile. It is in toothpaste, soap, hand sanitizer, etc...

If you are interested in purchasing YLEO click the link below. Make sure to sign up for wholesale (a 24% discount) and order the premium starter kit!  You get a 5ml bottle of thieves and a diffuser in the kit (along with 9 other oils). It's awesome! 

Essential Rewards

What are Essential Rewards?  Essential awards is Young Living's way to give back to you when you order monthly.  Your monthly total doesn't have to be 200, 150, or even 100 PV (point value - almost oils have equal PV and dollar amount. Kits and accessories (capsules) differ in PV and dollar amount). Just purchase 50PV/month and start letting your essential rewards add up! 

Want to sign up to purchase YLEO?  
Use the link below. Make sure to sign up for wholesale to receive a 24% discount! 

Carrier Oil and how to read labels

When I first started using YLEO I had no idea what a carrier oil was. I use coconut oil in my cooking so I since I had it on hand, I started experimenting with it.  
I like coconut oil but it drives me crazy that it changes consistency with the temperature. 
I bought grape seed oil and have really enjoyed using it.  It doesn't feel as greasy as the coconut oil and stays a liquid. 
Olive oil is great for massages! When I massage in any oil, olive oil is my go to.  

Words, words, words, words, words.... YLEO  labels are full of information if it seems a little overwhelming, check out the graphic below. 

To sign up to purchase the starter kit, click the link below 


Make sure to sign up as a Wholesale member got a 24% discount 

Detailed directions 


How to Use Essential Oils- aromatically, digest, or topically

I love great smelling scents...add to that down thing that also purifies the air or "adjust" my attitude and you have a winning combination! 
My daughter has Pervasive Developmemtal Disorder and ADHD.  I diffuse peace and calming when she struggles with "not being able to get comfortable"
When a bug hits our house (which isn't often thanks to Theives) we diffuse Thieves and Lemon.  

Allergies? Weight Loss? Stomach issues?  I love mixing oils in a capsule.  Add a carrier oil (to aide in belching up a oil) and you have what I call perfection 👍

Vita Flex points are so interesting to me but after I have tried different oils in these areas and felt results, I  continuously amazed. 
My daughter needing to focus - apply oils to big toe
My husband's stomach upset - apply oils to the arch of the foot
I have  Trigeminal Neuralgia and I apply the oils to the lymph nodes down my neck and behind my ears or to my last two toes. 
I also apply oils to my spine, back of the neck, over the heart, or on my abdomen.  

Want to sign up to purchase essential oils?  Use the link below. Make sure to click wholesale to receive a 24% discount.  


This  oil comes in the starter kit. 
 The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 

Peace & Calming

This oil comes in the starter kit.  The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 


This oil comes in the starter kit.  The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 


This oil comes in the starter kit.  The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 


This oil comes in the starter kit.  The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 


This oil comes in the starter kit.  The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 


This oil comes in the starter kit.  The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 

Stress Away

This oil comes in the starter kit.  The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 


Thieves is AMAZING!  My family use la it daily on the bottom of our feet to keep all those nasty col bugs away.  
I have diffused thieves while my child was vomiting to purify the air so no one else would get sick. 
I have felt a cold coming and put it in a capsule as a preventative.  
I realize I could spray the house with different products and /or take medicine but why do that and put all those chemicals in my body and house or take 100% pure Thieves Oil. It's a no brainer! 

Thieves is so versatile that it is used in hand sanitizer, toothpaste, soap, and many other products! 

This oil comes in the starter kit.  The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount. 

Pan Away

Pan away rocks!  This is a great oil to use. I add a rollerball top to mine and roll it on my abdomen for cramping.  I have used it with olive oil or grape seed oil to massage sore muscles.  There are so many uses.  That's why it is in the EVERYDAY OILS COLLECTION! It's an extremely versatile oil.  
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount.  


 This oil comes in the starter kit.  The starter kit comes with the Everyday Oil Collection, a diffuser, and some samples. 
Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection includes: 
1 - 5 ml Joy™
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor®
You can order the starter kit $150 and comes with the Everyday Oils Collection and a diffuser.  The Everyday Oil Collection retails for $163.16 and the diffuser is  $98.68. It's worth it to purchase the starter kit and sign up as wholesale to receive your 24% discount.